Tuesday, November 1, 2011

kim kardashian divorce drama

Kim Kardashian filed for divorce yesterday after only 72 days of marriage. I assumed they would last just a few months longer. I guess there's not going to be a kim & kris christmas special on e! this year after all. I officially think she's the lowest, greediest, dumbest person ever. Who fakes their marriage for money? Oh wait... probably the same person that would sell their own sex tape for fame.

How okay she is with looking like an idiot is what's shocking to me. I knew when watching that circus of a wedding that these 2 wouldn't last. Sooo what exactly went wrong other than a complete LACK of love??

Us weekly claims that their issues stemmed from kris' perceived laziness and unemployment which has been caused by the lockout. Kim went to work in Dubai and when she came home she was disappointed in him  for not working out and going out partying on the kardashian dime. I mean, yeah that's annoying but it''s something that a marriage should work through.  She also told friends that she was uncomfortable being the main breadwinner and the primary earner for the couple. She didn't like spending her money on him but had to in order to keep up appearances. Well sorry Kim, not everyone is a gazillionaire and I'm pretty sure she would be the main earner in most any relationship!! Plus, if you're in love why would that matter? Phonyyyy. what a f*cking joke. hollywood for yah...smh.

cheers to love everlasting!... where can I vomit?!

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